Is it safe if computer goes to sleep/restarts / Should I delete everything apart from XML project file?

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Is it safe if computer goes to sleep/restarts / Should I delete everything apart from XML project file?

Post by funkytwig »

Is it OK to just let DOM to just continue if the computer goes to sleep? I know in theory this seems to work but has it caused problems for people?

Same question if you cancel and redo a Job. Seems to pick up where it left off. Have people had any problems with this?

And a third skew on the question. It seems there are some settings that can be changed that do not require the JPEG 2000 files to be recreated so the Job is fairly fast. From what I can remember things like changing gain in the Audio Tab. Same question, is it safe just to let DOM just do it thing, or have people had any problems doing this.

If I want to be paranoid and delete everything should I just delete everything except the XML in the directory to get DOM to redo everything, I guess this is the safest.

When I restart the job after canceling I notice the progress bar keeps going to 0, then after a small amount of time back to what it was (probably plus a smidge). This is partly why I am getting worried.