View Bug Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001688DCP-o-maticFeaturespublic2021-01-08 00:47
ReporterCarsten Assigned Tocarl  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformMacOSOS XOS Version10.12
Product Version2.14.x 
Target Version2.16.0 
Summary0001688: Allow to set current DCP properties from existing DCP

For some operations, it is essential to set the current DCP properties to the same as an existing/loaded DCP. E.g. for OV/VF creations, DCP standard conversions (IOP->SMPTE, Encrypted to unencrypted or vice versa). If source and target DCP parameters are the same, conversion can take place without recompression.

While one may look up most of these parameters one by one and adjust manually, it would be easier and safer to read the essential parameters immediately from the pre-existing DCP.

Maybe another 'right-click' context menu option in the source/content tab? I don't see any other realistic way to assess parameters from a specific source file/DCP in the current GUI. While strictly, a function to set DCP parameters should be under the DCP tab, one would have to use a nasty method to push through to source content from there. Maybe, after a content-right-click operation has been performed, bring the user to the DCP tab immediately for him to check parameters?

  • Carsten
Estimated weeks required1
Estimated work requiredSmall



2020-04-21 00:34

administrator   ~0003779

@carl some work in set-dcp-props-from-dcp


2020-04-21 22:59

administrator   ~0003780

f644c272a6a6384f6bfc6ca16ada6208057402a8 (v2.15.53)

Bug History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-12-14 01:57 Carsten New Bug
2019-12-14 01:57 Carsten Summary Allow the set current DCP properties from existing DCP => Allow to set current DCP properties from existing DCP
2019-12-14 01:57 Carsten Estimated work required => Undecided
2019-12-14 01:58 Carsten Description Updated
2019-12-14 01:59 Carsten Description Updated
2019-12-14 01:59 Carsten Description Updated
2019-12-14 02:03 Carsten Description Updated
2019-12-14 12:41 Carsten Description Updated
2019-12-17 00:16 carl Status new => acknowledged
2019-12-17 00:16 carl Estimated weeks required => 1
2019-12-17 00:16 carl Estimated work required Undecided => Small
2019-12-17 00:16 carl Tag Attached: workflow
2020-04-21 00:34 carl Note Added: 0003779
2020-04-21 22:59 carl Assigned To => carl
2020-04-21 22:59 carl Status acknowledged => resolved
2020-04-21 22:59 carl Resolution open => fixed
2020-04-21 22:59 carl Note Added: 0003780
2021-01-08 00:47 carl Status resolved => closed