View Bug Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002908DCP-o-maticFeaturespublic2025-01-01 02:19
Reportermhm Assigned Tocarl  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Target Version2.18.3 
Summary0002908: Calculate time code for "image component too large" and similar errors in cli verifier

When hardware players have problems with these kind of errors they play fine up until a frame like these occurs:

"Error: Frame 6873 has an image component that is too large (component 0 is 1000002 bytes in size)."

To easier diagnose if there is a problem it would be really nice if a time code could be calculated from the CPL(s).

Ideally time code, CPL ContentTitleText and CPL uuid should be displayed along with the error. If there are several CPL:s in the package that includes the problematic track file, maybe display this info for all of them?

Maybe do the same also for this error:

"The JPEG2000 codestream for at least one frame is invalid (unknown marker e1)."

Thanks in advance!

TagsNo tags attached.
Estimated weeks required
Estimated work requiredSmall


related to 0002885 new Verifier checks shared assets multiple times 



2024-12-30 22:03

administrator   ~0006701

The way things are arranged makes it a bit tricky to report each CPL that contains an asset (at the moment the verifier takes a CPL and validates its assets, rather than taking an asset list...)

I added a --context option to dcpverify to add CPL ID and title text to the command-line verifier report... if you'd like to test it, just remind me which platform is best for you (mac/win/ubuntu etc.) and I'll make a test build.

Bug History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-05 22:49 mhm New Bug
2024-12-06 12:33 carl Assigned To => carl
2024-12-06 12:33 carl Status new => confirmed
2024-12-06 12:33 carl Target Version => 2.18.1
2024-12-06 12:33 carl Estimated work required => Undecided
2024-12-06 12:33 carl Estimated work required Undecided => Small
2024-12-24 13:25 carl Target Version 2.18.1 => 2.18.2
2024-12-27 15:18 carl Target Version 2.18.2 => 2.18.3
2024-12-29 16:21 carl Branch => libdcp:2908-verify-details
2024-12-29 16:22 carl Status confirmed => in progress
2024-12-30 22:03 carl Status in progress => feedback
2024-12-30 22:03 carl Note Added: 0006701
2025-01-01 02:19 carl Relationship added related to 0002885