View Bug Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002920DCP-o-maticBugspublic2025-01-01 01:12
Reportermhm Assigned Tocarl  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Target Version2.18.3Fixed in Version2.18.3 
Summary0002920: ContentTitleText should probably be only [A-Za-z0-9]

Currently punctuation becomes part of the CTT, like ".". I can't find a reference but it should probably be excluded.

Also a nice feature would be to transliterate non-english latin characters like unidecode ( ) does. E.g. for Swedish characters:

ä -> a
å -> a
ö -> o



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Estimated work requiredSmall



2024-12-18 22:22

reporter   ~0006644

Sorry, i should have written that this applies to the title element of the CTT. As a whole, of course also "_" and "-" are allowed. (But not anything else?)


2024-12-20 21:13

administrator   ~0006645

Perhaps . should be on the "banned" list, but I think everything else already works...?

The current state is that transliteration should happen and the allowed characters are



2024-12-20 23:41

reporter   ~0006646

Ok, looks mostly good!

Suggested improvements for CTT character restrictions:

Recommend globally prohibiting "." and "+" characters because:

  • Using "." could create unintended file extensions when CTT is used in filenames
  • "+" may cause compatibility issues with certain filesystems

Suggest banning "_" from individual fields since it serves as the field delimiter in CTT format


2024-12-20 23:55

reporter   ~0006647

Also, I think I found a related bug: When having a title with non-ascii characters and using the "Copy as name" button, the transliteration gets reversed! Eg. "a" gets turned back to "å" etc.


2025-01-01 01:11

administrator   ~0006703

Thanks - this should be fixed in 2.18.3 when it's released.


2025-01-01 01:12

administrator   ~0006704


Bug History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-18 21:03 mhm New Bug
2024-12-18 22:22 mhm Note Added: 0006644
2024-12-20 21:13 carl Assigned To => carl
2024-12-20 21:13 carl Status new => feedback
2024-12-20 21:13 carl Note Added: 0006645
2024-12-20 23:41 mhm Note Added: 0006646
2024-12-20 23:41 mhm Status feedback => assigned
2024-12-20 23:55 mhm Note Added: 0006647
2024-12-22 14:30 carl Status assigned => confirmed
2024-12-22 14:30 carl Target Version => 2.18.1
2024-12-22 14:30 carl Estimated work required => Undecided
2024-12-24 13:25 carl Target Version 2.18.1 => 2.18.2
2024-12-27 15:18 carl Target Version 2.18.2 => 2.18.3
2024-12-30 22:40 carl Branch => 2920-restrict-ctt
2024-12-30 22:40 carl Estimated work required Undecided => Small
2024-12-30 22:41 carl Status confirmed => tests running
2025-01-01 01:11 carl Status tests running => resolved
2025-01-01 01:11 carl Resolution open => fixed
2025-01-01 01:11 carl Note Added: 0006703
2025-01-01 01:12 carl Note Added: 0006704
2025-01-01 01:12 carl Fixed in Version => 2.18.3