Trimming DCP w/ separate audio and video sources

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Trimming DCP w/ separate audio and video sources

Post by chickenwarrior »

Have looked for this in the manual and the forum but haven't found much info.

I'm trying to use one source (ProRes reference video) for 5.1 audio tracks, and another (TIFF sequence) for full res DCI video. To achieve this, I went to advanced settings on the ProRes and selected 'Ignore video and use only for audio..'

I need to trim out bars and tone.

I tried to run a couple tests to confirm sync but so far I can't figure out the behaviour. I tried only trimming the video source, and heard no audio. I tried setting the exact same trim points manually for both sources, but it seems the clips play one after the other (video, then audio). If I manually set the 'Position' on both to 0:0:0:0, the 'play length' on the audio becomes 0.

Is there a simple way to set the audio to automatically trim to the same parameters as the motion picture source?

Note: My current audio source (ProRes) is 23.98; I tried to manually override this in DCP. I'm rendering out a new version in true 24p in case this is causing problems. But my issue isn't a drift or sync issue, the audio is nowhere near the video.

Thanks for any clarity or help!
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Re: Trimming DCP w/ separate audio and video sources

Post by Carsten »

When you deal with separate audio and video, check timeline view to see how the files are arranged. The list does not tell you everything.

Setting identical trim points manually is the right way to do it. You can actually select both the video and audio file (classic shift click) and set identical trim points in one go. That of course only works with sync sources if both audio and video have been created sync aligned.