DCP with different subtitles languages

Anything and everything to do with DCP-o-matic.
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:30 pm

DCP with different subtitles languages

Post by seven »

I need to make a DCP with 3 different language subtitles.

I need to create 3 different DCP with each language or I can create one DCP file and give the possibilities to select the preferred language?

Is better works with the subtitles text file or embed it first in to the video and after create the DCP? (this only on the case i will create different dcp for each language).

Thanks for the attention.
Best regards.
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Re: DCP with different subtitles languages

Post by Carsten »

Currently there is no easy way to do this with DCP-o-matic. Version 1.x will allow you to burn in subtitles, but for three different version, you need to run it three times through a full encoding and you will distribute three full DCPs, one for each language.

Version 2.x will allow to use timed-text, so no need to encode the feature three times, but so far there is no versioning support, that means, you still need to package three DCPs with the full video and audio tracks in order to distribute it.

Versioning is not supported in any open-source DCP converter currently.

- Carsten