Ratio image and movie formats

Anything and everything to do with DCP-o-matic.
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Ratio image and movie formats

Post by BravoZulu »

Hello again Carl,

Some suggestions about formats.
(We have already discussed - topic: "XYZ Color Conversion & Scaler" - August 2014).

[35mm window plate - projector Cinemeccanica]

Would not it be more readable formats in separate sections.
More understandable to non-professional projection or cinema projectionist and depending on the source.

Here is my list with additions (full 35mm formats - at the time of digitizing) :
• Film 35mm:
- 1:1,19 (First silent)
- 1:1,33 [+16mm 4/3] (Silent) (*)
- 1:1,37 [Normal /Academy] (Sound) 1930-1955
- 1:1,66 [Pano]
- 1:1,75 [Pano /Italian]
- 1:1,85 [Pano /Vista]
- 1:2,35 [Scope]
• Video +TV:
- 4:3 (1.33:1) (*)
- 16:9 (1.78:1)
• Digital Cinema:
F [Flat] (1.85:1)
S [Scope] (2.39:1)
C [Full Container] (1.90:1)
• Other:
Full frame
No stretch
No scale

(*): points to the same type of field /resolution.
Note that in the first film there is also the 1,20, etc. (I do not know what pushed you to include this format 1:1,19).

Another small change would be more logical to put the "Resolution" field (DCP > Video) above "Container" - as the resolution changes.

Kind regards,
-oo0oo- Il ne suffit pas de croire - Encore faut-il le faire -oo0oo-
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Re: Ratio image and movie formats

Post by Carsten »

We had a lot of discussions about the selection of scaling options.
We used to have more scaling options, but I don't think it makes sense to include every imaginable historical value individually. A lot of special formats should now be taken care off anyway with the option to scale with and without enlarging to the contents original aspect ratio with the 'No Scale' and 'No Strech' options. At the time these options were not yet there, the more exotic formats have been implemented on a 'I have this file in xx aspect ratio, could you please...'

I admit, I changed the original english language designations in the german translation to give it a better structure (as we germans love to ...)

e.g. my list looks like this:

1.33:1 (4:3)
1.375:1 (Academy)
1.78:1 (16:9/HD)
1.85:1 (Flat/BW)
2.39:1 (Scope)
Full Container (DCI)
Nicht verzerrt

- Carsten