Some suggestions about formats.
(We have already discussed - topic: "XYZ Color Conversion & Scaler" - August 2014).
[35mm window plate - projector Cinemeccanica]
Would not it be more readable formats in separate sections.
More understandable to non-professional projection or cinema projectionist and depending on the source.
Here is my list with additions (full 35mm formats - at the time of digitizing) :
• Film 35mm:
- 1:1,19 (First silent)
- 1:1,33 [+16mm 4/3] (Silent) (*)
- 1:1,37 [Normal /Academy] (Sound) 1930-1955
- 1:1,66 [Pano]
- 1:1,75 [Pano /Italian]
- 1:1,85 [Pano /Vista]
- 1:2,35 [Scope]
• Video +TV:
- 4:3 (1.33:1) (*)
- 16:9 (1.78:1)
• Digital Cinema:
F [Flat] (1.85:1)
S [Scope] (2.39:1)
C [Full Container] (1.90:1)
• Other:
Full frame
No stretch
No scale
(*): points to the same type of field /resolution.
Note that in the first film there is also the 1,20, etc. (I do not know what pushed you to include this format 1:1,19).
Another small change would be more logical to put the "Resolution" field (DCP > Video) above "Container" - as the resolution changes.
Kind regards,