Reviewing DCP in Davinci Resolve

Anything and everything to do with DCP-o-matic.
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Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2019 3:19 am

Reviewing DCP in Davinci Resolve

Post by ainsophaur »

I've just created my first DCP using DOM and I wanted to review it in DaVinci Resolve. I know this is possible because I've done it with another DCP that was created by another vendor using other software.

As a point of reference, the other DCP that I have reviewed in Resolve was for a short film. When I access the DCP folder in Resolve, I see only ONE video file that will play back. I click on it, and it plays.

However, for my 4K DCP that I just created in DOM (feature film, 5 reels of video split by video content), I only see audio files that do not play and show the wrong frame rate.

Am I doing something wrong here? Why do I not see the video files in the Resolve media browser?

Inside the feature film's DCP folder, I see what I assume is the video and corresponding audio .mxf files, an ASSETMAP.xm., cpl, pkl, and VOLINDEX files. This is the same in the DCP folder for the short film.

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Re: Reviewing DCP in Davinci Resolve

Post by Carsten »

Could this be a SMPTE/Interop problem? Is it just ASSETMAP, or ASSETMAP.XML ?

Can you try one of these:

Maybe Resolve has trouble with specific aspects of the DCP you created - 4k, frame rate, wrapping, reel structure, etc.

Which version of Resolve is it?

- Carsten
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2019 3:19 am

Re: Reviewing DCP in Davinci Resolve

Post by ainsophaur »

This ended up being user error. I hadn't ingested the KDM, so Resolve wasn't seeing the file properly. Once I ingested, everything looked correct.