DOM encoder server behind firewall

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DOM encoder server behind firewall

Post by chr.hove »

I have DOM encoding servers running on some Linux boxes with several network interfaces. This worked well until I enabled ufw on those boxes. Now the DOM client does see those encoding servers anymore.
On the Linux boxes I have opened port 6192/TCP on the interface of the network containing the DOM client and I have confirmed that I can make a TCP connection to the server port from the client computer using nc.
I have tried to add the IP of the encoding servers manually in the client settings, but still no luck.
Other encoding servers not restricted by ufw works fine.
What am I missing?
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Re: DOM encoder server behind firewall

Post by carl »

At the moment I think you need to open 6192 and 6193 on the encode servers, and 6194 on the "main" DCP-o-matic machine. Does that help?
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Joined: Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:03 pm

Re: DOM encoder server behind firewall

Post by chr.hove »

Thanks, Carl.
Not sure why I missed 6193 when lsof puts it quite clear :oops:

dcpomatic 1357 operatoer 14u IPv4 24041 0t0 TCP *:6192 (LISTEN)
dcpomatic 1357 operatoer 21u IPv4 23203 0t0 UDP *:6193

It works after allowing 6193/udp
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Re: DOM encoder server behind firewall

Post by carl »

Great 8-)