View Bug Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001510DCP-o-maticClean-uppublic2020-12-16 00:16
ReporterCarsten Assigned Tocarl  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformMacOSOS XOS Version10.12
Product Version2.14.x 
Target Version2.14.x 
Summary0001510: Issue Warning/request confirm before deleting a DKDM in KDM Creator

It is possible to delete a KDM from the KDM Creator's list without confirmation or prior warning. The KDM and decryption capability for that specific CPL then might be gone forever. For the same reason, I guess there should be an option in the same place to save a DKDM to a (D)KDM file, which is useful if a specific DKDM lives only in KDM Creator's list. Yes, config.xml can be backed up and is sometimes backed up automatically, but, Murphys law...

  • Carsten
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Estimated work requiredUnknown



2019-03-28 00:32

administrator   ~0003205

dc99f013698f4d7f9b486c693c38b42d4c2c1e0e and f6b777586d351e733cf7bda0f4f30be323619990

Bug History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-03-26 11:00 Carsten New Bug
2019-03-26 11:00 Carsten Description Updated
2019-03-28 00:32 carl Assigned To => carl
2019-03-28 00:32 carl Status new => resolved
2019-03-28 00:32 carl Resolution open => fixed
2019-03-28 00:32 carl Note Added: 0003205
2019-03-28 11:29 Carsten Description Updated
2020-12-16 00:16 carl Status resolved => closed