View Bug Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002970DCP-o-maticBugspublic2025-02-09 17:39
Reportercarl Assigned Tocarl  
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Target Version2.18.12 
Summary0002970: DCP-o-matic allows creation of unencrypted VF for encrypted OV

This does work in the player but seems wrong (the KDM should be for the CPL). I guess the player should not allow the playback, and DoM should not allow the player.

Estimated weeks required
Estimated work requiredUndecided


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Bug History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-06 22:55 carl New Bug
2025-02-06 22:55 carl Tag Attached: email
2025-02-06 22:55 carl Assigned To => carl
2025-02-06 22:55 carl Status new => acknowledged
2025-02-06 22:55 carl Target Version => 2.18.11
2025-02-06 22:55 carl Estimated work required => Undecided
2025-02-09 17:39 carl Target Version 2.18.11 => 2.18.12