Adding content

The next step is to add the content that you want to use. DCP-o-matic can make DCPs from multiple pieces of content, but in this example we will use a single piece. Click the Add file(s)... button, as shown in Figure 3.3, “Adding content files”, and a file chooser will open for you to select the content file to use, as shown in Figure 3.4, “Selecting a video content file”.

Figure 3.3. Adding content files

Adding content files

Figure 3.4. Selecting a video content file

Selecting a video content file

Select your content file and click Open. In this case we are using the Sintel trailer that we downloaded earlier.

When you do this, DCP-o-matic will take a look at your file. After a short while (when the progress bar at the bottom right of the window has finished), you can look through your content using the slider to the right of the window, as shown in Figure 3.5, “Examining the content”.

Figure 3.5. Examining the content

Examining the content

Dragging the slider will move through your video. You can also click the Play button to play the content back.