DCP Folder Question

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DCP Folder Question

Post by bee_charmer »

I have just read this page of the manual (https://dcpomatic.com/manual/html/ch14.html) regarding the DCP file structure, and have a couple of questions/need clarification.

I'm taking my DCP to a cinema tomorrow to test, and then need to send it digitally to some festivals. According to this guide, am I correct in understanding that the DCP folder I'm sending to the festivals, and taking to the theatre tomorrow, is the DCP folder within the DCP project folder? And if so...does that mean that the project folder is twice the size of the actual DCP folder itself that I need to send? In which case, the actual size of the DCP folder that I'm sending to the festival is half the size of the total DCP Project folder?

And...am I able to change the name of the actual DCP folder for delivery? Or does it have to stay the same as it was built.

Thank you so much!!
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Re: DCP Folder Question

Post by carl »

Right, it's the DCP folder inside the project folder that you need. The overall project looks twice the size, but usually is not (see this page for an explanation).

There should be no problem in changing the folder name. Just don't change anything inside it.
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Re: DCP Folder Question

Post by bee_charmer »

Amazing! Thank you so much for the quick response. And thank you so much for this software and the help that goes along with it!!
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Re: DCP Folder Question

Post by Carsten »

You may change the name of the folder, but nothing inside that folder.

Also, use only plain abc chars, no special chars. The server may not see your folder if you use fancy chars.
Ryan Gallagher
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Re: DCP Folder Question

Post by Ryan Gallagher »

I'd also recommend compressing the DCP folder into a zip before sending via whatever online delivery mechanism you choose (minus a few who specialize in DCP delivery). I'm always on the receiving end of these and many cloud services (Google Drive and Dropbox) choke on the DCP file names or split the larger files in some way that makes for a headache, But a single large zip is doesn't let them change anything.
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Re: DCP Folder Question

Post by macuser »

Just remember:

Compressing a DCP into a ZIP File can alter the content. Some free transfer services will scan a ZIP File for viruses. For this process they uncompress it, scan it and then compress again. I had so many DCP's transferred with different services that failed the checksum check when I received them.

The best experience I made was with a simple FTP transfer - but don't forget to switch to binary mode for that!

Kind regards